Official RuleBook

Baja 75 is an online gaming race series, started on BeamNG January 2023, with the first race starting in Feb 17, 2024. Baja 75 is a series by Leshii413 focused on the game BeamNG originally utilizing the map Johnson Valley.
Competitors are anyone that signs up for the classes available and races the race they signed up for.

Baja 75 races include a variety of vehicles, from Stock Baja Bugs to Heavily Modified Trophy Trucks and Buggies.

Course terrain is primarily off-road in remote areas, though highway segments are used when an alternate off-road route is unavailable.

Baja75 is a branch of Sidewinders Motorsports, Sim Racing Division

Classes available for racing: 


  • Class 1: Unlimited four-wheel single and two-seat vehicles with unlimited displacement. Open wheel class. No production bodied vehicles or production appearing vehicles allowed in this class. Vehicle must be rear or mid-engine design with independent rear suspension. Gasoline and diesel engines with unlimited displacement. Engines may be either normally aspirated or forced induction. See Class 1 Linked Below


  • Class 2: Combined truck and car class for vehicles and engines with no restrictions. Forced induction is allowed. Vehicle examples: ST2, TT1 See Class 2 Linked Below


  • Class 3: Hirochi Aurata Base, Junior body & Hirochi Aurata Race;  Modifying the engine for more power is permitted. Off Road Tires required. (UTV CLASS) See Class 3 Linked Below


  • Class 4: Min 145-Max 430BHP Bugs/Buggies/Trucks. Example Autobello Piccolina Baja Spec & Baja Unlimited Class 5 BeamNG Vehicles.  NOT THE LIGHTLY MODIFIED CLASS 11 DESCRIBED IN CLASS 5 BELOW


  • Class 5: 1601 cc VW engines or higher with possibly modified Body, suspension and drivetrain. Additionally, the SS3 Dualsport Offroad Buggy is also in Class 5. Class 5 includes all 4-cylinder buggies. The LKS Prerunner with the CBR V6 engine that the Ironman config has, can be raced in Class 5, Do keep in mind however that if things turn out being unbalanced then that may potentially change. See Class 5 Linked Below


  • Class 6: Limited 4-wheel vehicles similar in appearance and size to TT1 or the LKS Prerunner. Class limited to maximum 600 hp. Two (2) wheel drive only Must have solid rear drivetrain. Underdrive units are allowed See Class 6 Linked Below


  • Class 7: Unlimited four-wheel vehicles. Vehicles must have a production appearing truck or SUV body. Naturally aspirated engine limited to 4.5 Liters. Forced induction engines are limited to 3.5 Liters. Engines must have a maximum of six cylinders. Stock appearing small-mid-full size vehicles like a pickup truck or sedan but with a lift kit are this class. Gavril Roamer, Pariah SUV, Rally style cars like the Cherrier FCV in rally format and Pidgeon/Widgeon are this class as well. All other modifications allowed besides liter limit and production appearance. See Class 7 Linked Below


  • Class 10: Trackfab Apache, stock 2WD Tomahawk, Trackfab Dunehopper See Class 10 Linked Below


  • Class 11: Stock Baja Bugs, example, Autobello Piccolina: body, suspension and drivetrain must remain stock with only minor modifications allowed. 1.1L, 1.3L, 1.5L. See Class 11 Linked Below


  • Class 18: Experimental class used by part and mod makers. No limits. No Restrictions. Class will be used for field testing of vehicles during races to see how they hold up against their future class ranking. Will also be used to showcase the mod/parts.



DEFINITION: Class includes Naturally Aspirated, Forced Induction and Rotary Engines fitting into any 4 wheel single and 2 seat vehicle fitting the "buggy" style frame like the Trackfab Tomahawk.



ENGINE & ENGINE DISPLACEMENT: Displacement is unlimited. Engine may use any induction system up to stage 1. Stage 3 and above Engine Block must reclass to CLASS 2


TRANSMISSION: Can be two-wheel drive.


FORCED INDUCTION: Stage 2 and above INTAKE must reclass to CLASS 2

CHASSIS & BODY: Open class & Unlimited design


EXHAUST: Each vehicle, regardless of class, must be required to be equipped with mufflers, no straight piping if the option exists to have a muffler mounted.


All vehicles with doors must have them on the vehicle at start of the race and secured to the vehicle by latching or tied down.


Combined open class for all vehicles

DEFINITION: Class includes Naturally Aspirated, Forced Induction and Rotary Engines.


ENGINE & ENGINE DISPLACEMENT: Displacement is unlimited. Engine may use any induction system.


TRANSMISSION: No restrictions - Can be two or four-wheel drive. All-wheel drive is also allowed in this class.


FORCED INDUCTION: No restriction on type of unit.

CHASSIS & BODY: Open class & Unlimited design


EXHAUST: Each vehicle, regardless of class, must be required to be equipped with mufflers, no straight piping if the option exists to have a muffler mounted.


All vehicles with doors must have them on the vehicle at start of the race and secured to the vehicle by latching or tied down.



DEFINITION: Class includes Naturally Aspirated, Forced Induction and Rotary Engines.


ENGINE & ENGINE DISPLACEMENT: Displacement is unlimited. Engine may use any induction system.


TRANSMISSION: No restrictions - Can be two or four-wheel drive. All-wheel drive is also allowed in this class.


FORCED INDUCTION: No restriction on type of unit.

CHASSIS & BODY: Open class & Unlimited design


EXHAUST: Each vehicle, regardless of class, must be required to be equipped with mufflers, no straight piping if the option exists to have a muffler mounted.


All vehicles with doors must have them on the vehicle at start of the race and secured to the vehicle by latching or tied down.


DEFINITION: Baja Bugs, Buggies, Various Trucks with a minimal HP requirement of 145 and max HP Requirement of 430HP to the wheels. 


ENGINE & ENGINE DISPLACEMENT: Displacement is open. Engine may use any induction system. Must adhere to HP Requirements with and without induction.


TRANSMISSION: No restrictions - Can be two or four-wheel drive. All-wheel drive is also allowed in this class.


FORCED INDUCTION: No restriction on type of unit.

CHASSIS & BODY: Open class & Unlimited design


EXHAUST: Each vehicle, regardless of class, must be required to be equipped with mufflers, no straight piping if the option exists to have a muffler mounted.


All vehicles with doors must have them on the vehicle at start of the race and secured to the vehicle by latching or tied down.



DEFINITION: Class includes Air cooled 1960s generation VW Bug, called Autobello Piccolina in BeamNG and the 1x 1600 Buggy. All Piccolina Models in game except Baja Unlimited Class 5 Sequential, Gambler 500, Drag Sequential and Baja Extreme Sequential are allowed in this class.


ENGINE & ENGINE DISPLACEMENT: Displacement is unlimited. Engine may use any induction system up to stage 1. Stage 2 and above Engine Block must reclass to CLASS 5 UNLIMITED.



TRANSMISSION: No restrictions - Can be two or four-wheel drive. All-wheel drive is also allowed in this class.


FORCED INDUCTION: Race Intake Required, Stage 1 and above INTAKE must reclass to CLASS 5 UNLIMITED

CHASSIS & BODY: Open class & Unlimited design


EXHAUST: Each vehicle, regardless of class, must be required to be equipped with mufflers, no straight piping if the option exists to have a muffler mounted.


All vehicles with doors must have them on the vehicle at start of the race and secured to the vehicle by latching or tied down.


LKS Prerunner Requirements

LKS Prerunner is allowed only with the 3.4L Engine. Max HP remains at 475HP.



DEFINITION: Class includes Naturally Aspirated, Forced Induction and Rotary Engines. Includes the SP Rockbasher, Hirochi Aurata and other side by sides and UTVs, and the Baja Spec Class 5(m) and BajaUnlimited Class 5 (Sequential) and the LKS Prerunner equipped with the V8 engine.


ENGINE & ENGINE DISPLACEMENT: Displacement is unlimited. Engine may use any induction system.


TRANSMISSION: No restrictions - Can be two or four-wheel drive. All-wheel drive is also allowed in this class.


FORCED INDUCTION: No restriction on type of unit.

CHASSIS & BODY: Open class & Unlimited design


EXHAUST: Each vehicle, regardless of class, must be required to be equipped with mufflers, no straight piping if the option exists to have a muffler mounted.


All vehicles with doors must have them on the vehicle at start of the race and secured to the vehicle by latching or tied down.


Failure to adhere to restrictions is a 4 minute penalty applied post-race and possible DQ.

DEFINITION: Unlimited four-wheel vehicles. Vehicles must have a production appearing Utility or Sports Utility body. TT1, TT2, D-Series, LKS Prerunner are examples.


ENGINE & ENGINE DISPLACEMENT: Displacement is unlimited. Engine may use any induction system. 600HP Limit


TRANSMISSION: No restrictions other than 2WD Only.


FORCED INDUCTION: No restriction on type of unit.

CHASSIS & BODY: Must maintain a production appearing body. Stock appearing grill and headlight openings must be retained if originally equipped.


EXHAUST: Each vehicle, regardless of class, must be required to be equipped with mufflers, no straight piping if the option exists to have a muffler mounted.


All vehicles with doors must have them on the vehicle at start of the race and secured to the vehicle by latching or tied down.

LKS Pre-Runner Requirements
V8 Prohibited due to minimal power it makes when stock V8 or with reduced tunes.
600 HP Limit still applies.


Twin Turbo, Wet Sump, Race Air Filter, Race Ethanol Fuel System T3 and Race Cam Shaft produces 587HP which is max with the car without going over the Class 6 limit. Plus with the above parts, it goes 40mph/64kph in reverse, max speed 163mph/262kph. Just something to consider if wanting to race the LKS in Class 6.


D-Series Requirements
Must use Window Nets for Pilot & Co-Pilot Windows

All Window Glass removed

No NOS systems allowed.

Taillight Bar Required

Light Bar Optional, headlights required.




DEFINITION: Vehicles must have a production appearing truck or SUV body. Naturally aspirated engine limited to 4.5 Liters. Forced induction engines are limited to 3.5 Liters. Engines must have a maximum of six cylinders. Stock appearing small-mid-full size vehicles like a pickup truck or sedan but with a lift kit are this class. Gavril Roamer, Pariah SUV, Rally style cars like the Cherrier FCV in rally format and Pidgeon/Widgeon are this class as well. All other modifications allowed besides liter limit and production appearance. Lightly Modified D-Series may also race in this class.



ENGINE & ENGINE DISPLACEMENT: Displacement is unlimited. Engine may use any induction system up to stage 1. Stage 3 and above Engine Block must reclass to CLASS 2


TRANSMISSION: No restrictions - Can be two or four-wheel drive. All-wheel drive is also allowed in this class.


FORCED INDUCTION: Stage 2 and above INTAKE must reclass to CLASS 2

CHASSIS & BODY: Open class & Unlimited design, stock appearance


EXHAUST: Each vehicle, regardless of class, must be required to be equipped with mufflers, no straight piping.


All vehicles with doors must have them on the vehicle at start of the race and secured to the vehicle by latching or tied down.




DEFINITION: Class includes Naturally Aspirated, Forced Induction and Rotary Engines fitting into any 4 wheel single and 2 seat vehicle fitting the "buggy" style frame like the Trackfab Apache or Trackfab Dunehopper



ENGINE & ENGINE DISPLACEMENT: Displacement is limited.


TRANSMISSION: Can be two-wheel drive. All-wheel drive is not allowed in this class.


FORCED INDUCTION: Pending Restrictions

CHASSIS & BODY: Open wheel class & design


EXHAUST: Each vehicle, regardless of class, must be required to be equipped with mufflers, no straight piping.


All vehicles with doors must have them on the vehicle at start of the race and secured to the vehicle by latching or tied down.





The only difference with the Class 11 would be cosmetic visual stuff not affecting ANY part that is functional across all competitors. 

See Details Below.





Rear seat, upholstered panels, headliners and carpets may be removed. Removal of dash and firewalls

is prohibited.



Wheels must be original manufacture or optional alloy wheel identical in dimensions to stock wheel.

Bolted hubs may be replaced with studded hubs.

Any manufacturers tire and size allowed up to 31” tall and 10” wide as mounted and inflated on a 4” or

4.5” wide rim with 18 lbs. of air. Aftermarket wheels can be used if they have exact stock dimensions.

Spare tire is mandatory but may be mounted within body shell or trunk.



Default Steering Box, Race Steering Not Allowed



No alterations to floor pan are allowed. 

1965 or earlier model car belly pans may be interchanged. 1966-1968 belly pans may be interchanged.

1969 or later may be interchanged. All must maintain original suspension type (Trailing Link FRONT, Trailing Arm REAR, Rally Coilovers).



Doors must remain functional and in original stock location. Doors must have original hinges with a

workable latch. Secondary positive latching devices are mandatory



Any manufacturers racing seat is allowed but must remain the approximate stock location. If stock seat

mounts are used they must be reinforced using at least two U-bolts per seat runner.



1600cc or less.



Pistons must be stock three-ring only.



Transaxles are to be 4-speed with reverse sedan type only. 

Use of close ratio 3rd and 4th gears is allowed. Any aftermarket main shaft is allowed (must be

stock gear ratio). 

Aftermarket ring and pinion are allowed with ratios of 8:31 (=3:88), 8:33 (=4:12) or 8:35 (=4:37).

Axle over tubes are not permitted.

Other internal modifications are optional. NEEDS CLARIFICATION

Any gearshift lever allowed



Must use stock fan shrouds. Heater tubes are optional.



Low compression 1600 c.c. engine with maximum 8.0 to 1 ratio. May use a 40 or 44 cfm




Balancing slot may be welded close. Vacuum hole may be plugged. A 34mm

to 30mm carburetor adapter must be used.



No deep sumps, dry sumps, or sump alterations. Windage trays

are allowed. The use of any oil-bypass pistons and springs are allowed



Fuel cells must be bladder type. Cells may be located

anywhere inside vehicle, and have any capacity. Rotary molded polymer fuel cells are not allowed. Any

type fuel shut-off valve allowed.

Electric fuel pump can be used. Stock fuel pump may be used as a backup and routed through the stock

system. Fuel regulator is optional



Location optional. Full flow systems are allowed. No deep

Sumps, intercooler or dry sumps will be allowed



Any steering wheel may be used. 

Any accessory steering box may be used. 

Steering components such as ball joints, steering arms and tie rods must remain stock. 

Steering column OPEN. 

Replacing the stock steering column is allowed



Any exhaust system may be used



Brakes are OPEN as long as they are original stock concept. 

Any stock master cylinder is allowed. 

Disc and drum brakes are allowed. 

Use of 5-lug wheels is allowed for use with disc brakes. 

Any combination of Stock master and wheel cylinders allowed. 

Dual master cylinders allowed. 


brake is optional



Fuel is not restricted




The vehicle must retain full stock chassis and body with no modifications allowed with the exception of

modification allowed to the rear lid to allow for the air box on low compression motors; the lid may be

extended out, or the lid may be cut to allow full closure of the rear lid. 

Rear apron must retain stock external appearance. 

No convertibles, Ghias, 181’s (VW things), variants or super beetles.

Running boards may be removed.

Front and rear hood latches may be modified or replaced.

Hinges must remain stock.

Front, rear and side glass optional. Chrome strips, outside mirrors, antennas may be removed.

Sand traction devices may be mounted on outside of vehicle.



These parts must be identical to stock metal components in appearance. Requires front and rear bumpers.



Must retain stock mirrors on left and right doors and center rear view mirror.





 No secondary suspension is allowed.



Only one shock per wheel is allowed. 

Stock front shock mounts must be utilized. 

Any shock is allowed with 2” maximum outside diameter.

Rear shock must not have an extended length longer than 18 inches, center of mounting hole to center of mounting hole. 

Cooling fins and/or reservoirs allowed, and must be mounted inside body. 

Rally coilover shocks are required. 

No hydraulic bump stops allowed. 

No bypass shocks allowed



Front axle torsion tube centers may increase ground clearance or front torsion adjusters may be used. 

A crossmember is allowed from shock tower to shock tower. 

Stock front spindles must be used. 

MUST keep stock wheel travel and track width. 

Stock LENGTH trailing arms only. 

Sway bars may be removed.

Front snubbers must retain stock dimension and mounting methods.

Suspension limiters allowed.



Torsion bar adjusters are allowed. 

Lower rear shock mounts may be removed and or replaced. 

Rear shocks may be relocated, but must bolt directly to rear trailing arm or swing axle. 

No remote mounted shocks. 

Rear trailing arms must retain original dimensions.

Lower spring plate stop can be modified to increase wheel travel. 




DEFINITION: Class E includes any in development vehicle or in the rare chance, an electric vehicle. Dev Vehicles are not expected to run more than 2 races. EV models must abide by their similiar class in ICE models. Internal Combustion Engine





TRANSMISSION: No restrictions


FORCED INDUCTION: No restrictions

CHASSIS & BODY: No restrictions


EXHAUST: Each vehicle, regardless of class, must be required to be equipped with mufflers, no straight piping.


DOORS & LATCHES: No restrictions


Race Procedures



While staging is started you are NOT allowed to modify or tune vehicle unless an admin has allowed it. Modifying vehicle or tuning mid race will result in a Penalty or DQ. If you make a Queue mid race or during staging, you will get marked down and you will see the result of those penalties when the race is finished. Vehicles are released from the start line individually, in gaps of 10 seconds starting with Trophy Trucks (TT).

When racing if you are going to pass you must Honk or turn siren on to make sure they know someone is behind, if they choose to not move you can then implement the 3 TAP RULE. If you are behind somebody that will not move for whatever reason you are allowed to give them 2 soft taps on their rear bumper if they don’t move or try slowing down by the 2nd tap you are allowed to give them a 3rd hard tap. If you are racing and someone is behind, you should keep this in mind because if by the 3rd hit you are hit hard or broken you will not be gifted a free reset same goes for the person making the pass so be careful when giving the 3rd tap. 



Points are awarded based on class finishing position. The racer with the most points at the end of the season is the overall class winner.

Race Numbers can be chosen if available, from #101 to #9999. These are for registration only. Race numbers that are ending in double zeros are for class leaders only. Class 6 is 600, Class 5 is 500. Race vehicles must be one of approved repository mods or base game vehicles. All paid mods are prohibited for events due to most mod developer’s restrictions: no server use.

Official race and event volunteering is 2 points for the ENTIRE event weekend. Not individual races or events during that time period. When In Doubt, Only Get 1 credit for that time period.

Example: Player 33333 races race #1 but then gets last place finishing, he then is frustrated and volunteers for score keeping for the rest of the race weekend. He wins 1 point for finishing the race but also gets 1 point for volunteering that race segment. Player 33333 exits the event with 2 points. 1x race point 1x volunteer. You can get a max of 2 points volunteering 1 race weekend, but you cannot race and recieve full volunteer points.

On registration, Vehicle class must be noted. (Note: If you have a custom skin that can be added to the server for your use, notify staff on how to upload it, and for official races that you participate in, you will have sole access to it. Skin must be provided 2 weeks prior to race for it to be considered to be uploaded.) 




Connection issues [C#]




If you are not able to get into the server by the time the event starts you will not be able to participate, you may however join and watch the event as it goes on.


[C2] If you are kicked during the race that will result in a DNF you will not be able to

join back and spawn a vehicle. 

[C3] If we are unable to see you progress in the race

meaning you’re lagging too much or your vehicle appears still, that will result in a


[C4] If you are struggling to get in the server let the admins know and they will try to

help and troubleshoot the issue. 




[C5] If you have too much lag, we will allow some

players to erase vehicles from different classes to help with frame rate. 





Prizes and Winnings




Season Winnings is a $20 gift card for steam, amazon, google or apple. Must be digital. Individual Race event prizes vary, from a free steam game to a personal interview by Race Staff via Discord Audio or Video chat after the race results have been posted.

Interview will be recorded and uploaded to the Baja75 Series Youtube Channel.

1st Place Overall: Above mentioned $20 gift card. Option to run #1 on their vehicle next series.

2nd Place Overall: $10 Gift Card. Option to run #2 in their vehicle for the next series.

3rd Place Overall: $5 Gift Card or free custom vehicle skin for any in-game base vehicle that is not a mod. Skin would be available for personal use as well with their username on it. Option to run #3 on their vehicle for the next series.

Top 10 Overall: Starting preference for next season, Allowed to run numbers 10 and below, series credit on website (site in development)


In the following race season, the vehicle number will end in “X" to indicate that racer as the class champion. For example, the vehicle number for the Class 5 champion would be No. 413X while the Trophy Truck champion can run No. 100X. The starting order is generally determined by a random draw, except when preferential starts are given to those who finished in top positions in the previous race/season, or when qualifying is held. Awards are given for the winner of each class (if a vehicle in the class finishes) as well as an overall winner across classes, overall 2WD and 4WD vehicles. Recordings of this will be in Baja75’s Discord via your Username and class in a post in the Baja 75 Race Results Channel.




How to Qualify

Qualifying at this time is to be done via a single lap from starting line to the first check point during race day. Prequal may be done, but is prior to race day staging and driver meeting by at least 3 hours, and a full lap of the course must be completed. Prequal has weight over same day as race day qual. Qualifiers will be behind first time racers that did not qual. Previous race winners and champions will start at the furthest back starting position.
Racers will line up by the qualifying route, they will complete 3 loops on the qualifying route aiming for fastest time to complete, with the fastest time being their run time, and out of the entire race group, that will determine their starting position. Racers will have to qualify every race for preferences starting. Any non-qualifier entry will start in the rear by random draw.

Qualifier Route will be from the starting line and will follow the main route via orange barrels with promotional feather flags marking the route. Qualifier route will be less than 3 miles.





Reset or Recovery In Game

If you have a crash that you cannot upright your vehicle and drive off, you are allowed to reset. Due to the complexity of such, please allow your vehicle to come to a COMPLETE stop after rolling, crashing or sliding after the breaking of your vehicle to hit the recovery button. Once Recovered, you may proceed as though you just flipped the vehicle and completed an in-field repair. The pit row section in game and the checkpoint are the only  areas you can drive up, hit the reset/recover button and keep going with no wait periods. It is advised to unmap the reset button to prevent a total reset of your vehicle and loss of positioning and timing.


Penalties [P#]


Time Penalty will be given at a rate of 120 seconds per recovery, reset or rule violation per incident. 


[P1:] Possible cause for penalty is intentionally damaging another racer with intent of forcing them to incur a penalty. Example: Approaching a slower vehicle and not attempting to pass them, and instead full send decapitating the driver. 


That incurs a [P2:] 2x penalty and the slower driver will receive a negative penalty of 15 seconds, or removal of a penalty if having earned one due to the unsportsman like conduct. Accidental where attempt was made to avoid nulls penalty. 

[P3-1:] Unsportsmanlike conduct such as joking around pretending to be staff is a Disqualification from the race if verified. When unverified, but entire race states it was the case, temporary race suspension. [P3-2:]Vulgar and unsportsman like chats, conduct or speech that would be against Tiktok or Twitch TOS if live streaming= 15 penalties per incident + warning. 2 Warnings result in kick from game. 3 Warnings from Server and forfeit of any results history.


Call out example via in-game chat: Leshii413 #413 Reset

Verbal confirmation will be replied by staff. You can Pre-prepare the reset notification and use copy & paste to make the process faster.


[P4:] All vehicles must come to a complete stop before recovery or penalty is applied still. If a vehicle crashes and recovers mid roll, smash or flip before coming to a complete stop
[P5:] A penalty will be assessed for the failure to stop and a penalty for the recovery will also be applied, resulting in 3 count penalty totaling 45 seconds will be applied.


Other means for penalties: [P6:] Course cutting, per 45 seconds of course cut, 1 penalty will be given. Course cutting of any kind will NOT be permitted, if you are caught you will be penalized greatly or receive a disqualification. You must maintain your vehicle on course as best to your ability.



Course Cutting Examples.

[Image Needed] [Image Needed] [Image Needed] [Image Needed]



Left Photo, bypassing a turn section to sneak a mile ahead. Right photo, using a smooth road to go faster.

Photo Below shows red line course cutting where yellow is the proper course. 


If you go off course in the heat of the moment and you notify event staff verbally, you may still remain in the race.


But, during the recording of the race later, as staff record via BeamNG in-game recording, if it is found [P7:] you cheated. You will be Disqualified and a strike will be listed on record as to why you were disqualified. You will also be barred from the next race and listed as DNS or Did Not Start.





[P8:] Ignoring race officials, 1st strike=1 Penalty, 2nd=4 penalties, 3 strikes, automatic DQ and kick from race server with temp ban for 2 hours.


[P9] If a racer is a victim of unsportsmanlike, if verified, they can retake for points and the new result applies if there is a race remaining or majority of the race the racer participates in agrees they can retake. No penalties for impacting civilians or media.


[P10] If you are caught resetting without calling it, that will result in a 5 minute penalty

and if it happens more than once you will be DQ’d in the race. It’s not our job to communicate your penalties during the events. If you see a result that differs from where you finished chances are you were caught without calling it.

ANY PENALTY DISCUSSION WILL BE AFTER THE EVENT. When you reset on track make sure you pull off course first then make a complete stop then reset.


[P10] DNS/DNF/DQ Ruling


[P11] Environmental Rule: Must be default earth gravity in beamng, which is -9.81 with the slider almost all the way to the right. This rule breaking qualifies for a P10.


[P12] Negative Penalty, penalty granting a player 15 seconds off their time due to other racers game breaking behavior. Granted only by Race Marshal or Baja75 Staff with evidence.



Post Race Inspection [K#]



After every race the top 4 from every class will keep their vehicle spawned at the

finish line. Each finisher will be immediately pulled into another voice channel to

have a tech inspection. You will need to share your screen and event staff will go over the

vehicle and settings to make sure everything is legal.

[K1] IF YOU DELETE YOUR VEHICLE, DO A QUEUE OR REFUSE TO GO THROUGH TECH YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. This should only take about 1-2 mins then you may disconnect.


[K2] If you have to go due to IRL things, Notify event staff as you are entering the final stretch to finish, basically, if you are near the finish line within 30 seconds.


Modifying your race vehicle [M#]


When it comes to modifications, please refer to your class vehicle first for limitations. All vehicles are allowed any sort of tires (not wheels) Color and tuning sections of vehicle config are allowed as long as it does not break your vehicle class rules.

[M1] For highly modified stock vehicles such as the Class ST2 & TT1 Unlimited, HP is capped at 800HP for RWD & 1450 for AWD unless you switch to Class 7, which is open.


[M2] Modifying the powertrain and drivetrain at any time constitutes it to be a Class 2 vehicle Unless it is Class 3 or 7.

[M3] If at anytime a race vehicle that is not heavily modified is found to be driving on any section but highway or smooth road sections at speeds in excess of 155mph, a 3 Minute penalty will be issued.

Powertrain Parts & Systems [S#]


General Power Train [S1]





AWD [S3]



Course Markers & Meaning [G]

The Baja75 series utilizes two types of markers. They are poster type, in purple, orange and green.


The posters are white arrows with a purple, orange, or bright green background. They also include a Wrong Way course marker with an orange background. When navigating the course, you may notice some turning course markers are stacked. Stacked course markers declare urgency or how sharp a turn may be ahead. When you pass that course marker, if it is 3 stacked left or right course markers, expect the turn to be there in a second or less.

If it is a straight arrow course marker that is stacked, expect a severe drop ahead, such as a small cliff or drop off. If you see an arrow sign with a wrong way sign BELOW it, partially hidden behind the wood of the sign, expect that marker to be a couple feet from the direction the sign shows or warning you of the large drop that may destroy your vehicle.

If you see a course marker and a hundred feet away see a stacked course marker of the same type, start reducing speed.
A single course marker means you could maintain throttle into the turn, while a twice stacked one suggests braking a few times but you can enter the turn at least sustaining half speed. A 3x left or right course marker suggest taking the turn at less then 15 mph due to the environment.If you see a Wrong way course marker , with a straight arrow course marker  stacked on top, and a second wrong way arrow on top of that, that is a marker placed for non racers to not enter, and you are entering a pit section. In pit areas, please maintain a 25 mph or less speed to not crash into other racers or bystanders.


[G1] Failure to adhere to speed limit in pit areas as marked is 1x penalty of 15 seconds. When leaving pit areas, you will see a side by side arrow marker.

All of these various signs are due to the maker not knowing yet how to add in additional markers that are editable. If you know how to or can find a mod that does this, please notify Baja75 Staff.  Please note, the down arrow is Leshii413’s attempt at recreating the markers, unable to get them to be purple or bright orange as of yet however. 



Course markers must be the same format as shown in the example below.



When navigating the Johnson Valley map, follow all course markers that are directly adjacent to your movement direction. When you come across a green sign, that is a joker route, or a route you must take once during your race or practice session of any format that has 2 laps or more.

Please note, due to colors starting to mess up from the recent update, Joker Routes will now have the route marked with an arrow in a barrel. ONLY Joker routes will have arrows in barrels.

If you see an arrow in a barrel on the route, it means a joker route, if you see any other arrow marker on the route, it's the normal route. follow the arrows on all of the laps you are on, except the one lap you choose to take a joker route, then follow the arrow in a barrel you come across for that lap.



Shown below, the green arrow is the joker route. The Two purple mean main route and sharp turn.



This photo with the Wrong Way inside means caution ahead.




The 3 arrows bracket around what would be the race course mean do not go off course. 

Going off course at these areas will add a 2 minute penalty to your time.

You may resume the cushion of a few feet off course after you reach any arrows not in that format.